How to install Braccio CamAI package

The easiest way to use the package is using our RPI3 image (Available soon!).

If you want to compile the package manually, or use a different processing unit (other than RPI), please follow the next steps:


We use Ubuntu 18.04 running ROS melodic on our Raspberry Pi. Instructions for installing both are given in:

Braccio CamAI package should be compatible with ROS Kinetic, but we haven’t tested jet.


  • Install dependencies:
sudo apt install ros-melodic-moveit-core ros-melodic-moveit-ros-perception ros-melodic-moveit-ros-planning-interface

(optional) We use catkin_tools. for building the package, you can install it as follows:

pip install --user catkin_tools
  • Clone the repository in your ROS workspace:
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
  • Build the package:
catkin build --this

If the project build succesfully, we can continue with some tutorials for face and object detection and tracking.

If you have any problem, please check Frequent questions section for more information.